by Bibi Hanafee
Squint or strabismus in children always makes parents worry and curious about their children’s eyes. So, let us go through to this topic to know better what strabismus is.
First, one should know about binocular vision.
First, one should know about binocular vision.
What is binocular vision?
Is an ability of perceiving 3-D image using both eyes, creating a single visual image; where two eyes need to work together, simultaneously, equally and accurately as a coordinated team.
Healthy binocular vision produces important visual perceptual skills which are part of normal human vision: binocular depth perception and stereopsis.
**stereopsis- two separated image combined into one image in the brain and processed, creates depth perception.
Note: binocular vision only without stereoscopic vision is not enough to have a visual perceptual skills.
Is an ability of perceiving 3-D image using both eyes, creating a single visual image; where two eyes need to work together, simultaneously, equally and accurately as a coordinated team.
Healthy binocular vision produces important visual perceptual skills which are part of normal human vision: binocular depth perception and stereopsis.
**stereopsis- two separated image combined into one image in the brain and processed, creates depth perception.
Note: binocular vision only without stereoscopic vision is not enough to have a visual perceptual skills.
What is binocular vision impairment?
Binocular vision impairments often result in partial or total loss of stereoscopic vision and binocular depth perception. “Crossed eyes”, “wandering eyes” are conditions that is obviously seemed.
Examples of impairments are esotropia, exotropia, congenital esotropia, accommodative esotropia, esophoria, exophoria etc. However, other causes that can lead to binocular impairments are amblyopia or ‘lazy eye’, high myopia, hyperopia, cataract or cerebral palsy.
PLEASE NOTE: Some abnormality were not easily detected by parents, teachers, or others. That’s why full examination need to be done at early stage of child’s development.
Can binocular vision impairment be treated?
Yes, it can rehabilitated by vision therapy, according to their eyes’ condition. They can gain their binocular depth perception and stereopsis! A treatment option that offers a much higher success rate than eye muscle surgery. Most parents did not get information about all the treatments options available and not gaining access to vision therapy.
Note: Vision Therapy is very inexpensive and cost-effective when compared to surgical treatments.
Why we need depth perception?
⦁ Driving
⦁ Sewing
⦁ Walking down or upstairs
⦁ Pouring into container
⦁ Throwing, catching, and others daily activities
Try to close one of your eye in one day, and you will know the difficulties of having 2-D vision.
Why we need depth perception?
⦁ Driving
⦁ Sewing
⦁ Walking down or upstairs
⦁ Pouring into container
⦁ Throwing, catching, and others daily activities
Try to close one of your eye in one day, and you will know the difficulties of having 2-D vision.