Sudah 19 tahun membantu warga seremban melihat dengan jelas

Para penasihat Vision Advisor di Azza Optometry terdiri daripada mereka yang sudah berpengalaman di dalam bidang ini selama 2 hingga 17 tahun. Kami pasti boleh menyelesaikan masalah penglihatan anda.

No more glasses!

Adakah anda berminat untuk tidak lagi perlu memakai cermin mata?

Atau anda ingin MENGAWAL rabun jauh anak anda? Kami di AZZA OPTOMETRY tahu caranya. Book appointment bersama kami hari ini untuk mengetahui penjelasan dengan lebih lanjut.

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With the increase in technology, Azza optometry now provide ORTHOKERATOLOGY (Ortho-K) treatment. Now you can live your daily life free of wearing glasses using this new treatment. Contact our optometrist for more info.

p/s: It is the 2nd most effective treatment for myopia control ( Managing kids short sightedness )

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In this COVID19 era, we need to limit our time being in contact with crowded places. At Azza Optometry we provide professional services ( all conducted by our highly trained & licensed optometrist). A part of our services includes:

- Fundus imaging ( Highly adviseable examination for elder people)

-Anterior eye health examination using slit lamp.

-Dry eye examination.

- Myopia management

- Specialty contact lenses.

Eye examination and spectacle prescription is conducted by our licensed optometrist.

Book an appointment today!


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